Design and Technology
At Ravensworth Terrace Primary school, our aim is to provide children with knowledge rich, hands on approach which develops their ability to design meaningful, purposeful products that are specifically designed with a target audience in mind.
Our curriculum is rigorous, practical and where possible, tailored to match with other curriculum areas to deepen the learning experience for the children. It challenges and inspires children across the school, giving them real, relevant problems which they need to try and find solutions to. We intend for all children to acquire appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum and for all to be challenged and supported.
Through our carefully thought out projects, we want our children to develop their resilience, their perseverance and confidence, giving all children opportunities, responsibilities and experiences which they will need to be successful in later life.
Not only does Design Technology equip children with the knowledge and practicalities which they will need in future life, it fosters deeper, life-long values such as flexibility in thinking and having an adaptive mind set which is open to change and re-evaluation when designs don’t go according to plan!
Our school is dedicated to the teaching and delivery of a high quality, rich and personalised Design Technology curriculum. The curriculum is organised in such a way that builds carefully on prior learning. All year groups begin by exploring existing products and mechanisms to develop their technical expertise. Once they are familiar with the key technical knowledge, they are then given opportunities to put this understanding to the test where they design a product with an intended audience and purpose in mind. During the designing stage, children are encouraged to consider a wide range of aspects to the designing process, making clear links to other areas of the curriculum, in particular STEM subjects and art and design. The projects and knowledge have been carefully selected and thought out for each year group, ensuring that prior knowledge is revisited, deepened and applied in a different context. Upon liaising with specialists in Design and Technology, the subject lead has developed a clear progression of skills for all areas of the DT, giving suggested projects for all year groups to follow; this is to ensure clear, progressive coverage which makes the best link to knowledge taught in stem subject areas such as maths and science.
The DT curriculum is implemented through the following:
Throughout their time in Ravensworth Terrace Primary School, children will have enjoyment and self belief in their understanding and practise of Design technology, applying their skills to other curriculum areas. They solidify the firm foundations of knowledge and skills, creating a smooth transition from primary to secondary education. Through our nurturing teaching yet challenging and motivating projects and tasks, our children will have developed technical, innovative and practical expertise which is required in our daily lives and in an ever changing, technologically dependent world and society. Class teachers regularly make ongoing, formative assessments throughout teaching the different areas of Design Technology and relay this information to the next class teacher to ensure that gaps in knowledge or skills can be filled in. This informs the Design Technology coordinator of particular areas of the curriculum which may need to be developed and where more pupil support is needed.
The coordinator liaises with staff to identify if any further training requirements are needed to further strengthen the teaching of this rigorous subject.