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Ravensworth Terrace Primary School

'Together we are winners'




English Overview




At Ravensworth Terrace, we believe that our Literacy curriculum is at the heart of all of our learning, as the ability to read, write and communicate effectively is vital to enable children to access all areas of the curriculum and develop lifelong skills. Without these vital tools, life chances may be limited. Our literacy teaching aims to give children the skills to express themselves creatively and imaginatively. The children are exposed to a quality literacy curriculum which develops their love of reading, writing and discussion.  We aim to ensure that all children read with fluency and understanding and are inspired to read widely with appreciation of our varied literacy heritage.  Our vision is to produce readers who can use texts to further their knowledge as well as experience the joy of reading.  We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children have the opportunity to write clearly, accurately and imaginatively, adapting their language and style in a range of contexts.  We want children to develop strong speaking and listening skills where they can express themselves effectively during discussion as well as listen to opposing points of view with respect.


It is extremely important to us that our English curriculum is thoroughly embedded in our cross-curricular approach towards learning which is evident throughout the school.  We recognise that children need a strong knowledge base in literacy which follows a clear progression as they progress through primary school and all of our English planning is underpinned by the National Curriculum.



Our aims are embedded across our English lessons and the wider curriculum.  We have a rigorous English curriculum that provides opportunities for reading, writing and discussion. This includes the following:

  • A daily literacy lesson which is linked to a high quality text.  These texts are pre-selected for each year group and are chosen to motivate and challenge children. The sequence of lessons allows children to progressively build on their reading, grammar, vocabulary and writing skills. 
  • In EYFS and KS1, there a daily phonics session which links to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds.  This ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell.
  • We use Collins Big Cat Phonics reading books which matches children’s phonic knowledge. The children are given the opportunity to read the same book three times each week following the structure: decoding, prosody and comprehension. This book is also sent as a home reader. The children are exposed to a variety of high quality fiction and non-fiction texts, which have been specifically produced to match our chosen phonics scheme.  In KS1, children also take home a book of their choice to read/share.
  • In KS2, pupils move onto Accelerated Reader. This allows children to have a choice of book within their ZPD range. Children choose from a selection of Non-fiction and fiction books. Within school, children read during ‘Relaxed Read’ and complete a quiz on their book. Teachers use this time to read with children.  In KS2, those children who need it continue with the scheme books.
  • In KS2, spelling is taught three times per week following the Gateshead Scheme.



Our children will be fluent, accurate and proficient readers who are able to apply their skills confidently in other areas of the curriculum.  With the experience of a wide selection of carefully chosen texts across the school, children will have a strong understanding of different genres of writing and a wide range of authors.  As children progress through school, they will become confident writers and by the time they are in Upper Key Stage 2, most genres of writing will be familiar to them, allowing them to focus on sustained writing, writer’s style and manipulation of grammar and punctuation skills. This ensures that our Year 6 children have the necessary skills to be ready for Secondary school.

Our aim is that by the time children leave Ravensworth Terrace, they have not only developed lifelong reading and writing skills but also developed a passion for English which will continue to grow as they enter the next stage of their learning.  Our children will be as life-long learners who are able to successfully communicate through speaking and listening, reading and writing.



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