At Ravensworth Terrace Primary School, we aim to provide a high-quality education in Modern Foreign Languages (MFL). The main language we teach is French. We want to spark our children’s curiosity and interest in learning another language and develop a real love for learning in an enjoyable and stimulating way. Our aim is to develop the confidence and competence of each child in their early acquisition of the French language. We want all children, no matter what their starting point, to have a self-belief that they can too learn a foreign language. Our goal is for them to be passionate, curious and confident about their own foreign language learning abilities when they finish the primary school phase of their education.
We will help children develop and demonstrate substantial progress in the 5 key language skills necessary for learning French:
Children begin learning French from Key Stage Two – Year 3. It is taught in a whole class setting, using Language Angels scheme of work. French lessons across Key Stage 2 aim to develop children’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Each lesson, children build on the skills that they have already learnt and develop new ones through a range of fun, exciting and engaging activities. The lessons are designed to motivate children from the first moment and have clear, achievable objectives and incorporate creative activities for different learning styles. French lessons provide a variety of sources to model the language, use games, stories and songs to maximise enjoyment and make as many connections to real life situations as possible.
Immersing pupils in both the language and culture of France, provides the opportunity for children to explore their own key identify and to better understand their own place in the wider world.
With the high quality first teaching of French taking place, we will see the impact of the subject in the following ways:
· Pupils will become aware that a language has a structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another.
· Pupils will develop their language and communication through development of the four key skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
· Pupils will enrich their language learning by developing an understanding of the French culture.
· Pupil will transfer to KS3 effectively and successfully and will be well prepared to continue and develop their language skills
Useful websites
French story videos told by a native French speaker (with English subtitles)
Topmarks - search for a range of different French games and resources
Crickweb - range of different matching games to be used in the classroom or individually